Before your arrival

Welcome to Bergamo

Info Event: Study abroad at the University of Bergamo

Are you going to study at our university? Then you are warmly invited to attend our online info event!


WhenThursday 20th June 2024 - 11.30 am

Where: clik here and join us on Microsoft Teams

Language: Italian/ Spanish


WhenThursday 20th June 2024 - 2.30 pm

Whereclik here and join us on Microsoft Teams

Language: English


During the meeting you will meet:

  • the International Office staff who will guide you through some aspects of the University, such as the course catalogue;
  • the Italian Language Centre (CIS) explaining you the different Italian Courses offered at the University;
  • the Accomodation Service showing you the procedure about house/room reservations.

At the event you will find out more about student life and ask any questions you may have!

2024-2025 Academic Calendars

The 2024-2025 Academic Calendars for each Department  are now  available.

Academic Calendars at the University of Bergamo depend on the Department where you are going to study. 
Here you can find the Academic Calendars divided for each Department.

The lectures and exams of the bachelor’s, master’s and single-cycle master’s degree courses in the a.y. 2024-25  will take place exclusively in person at the University

Course Catalogue

The Course catalogue is a web application which allows to search for all the Courses offered by the University.

The University of Bergamo offers to Incoming Erasmus/Exchange students a wide choice of courses at the Bachelor and Master level. The list of courses is updated once a year by each Department. 

Students can find the Course catalogue clicking here.



Learning Agreement Before Mobility


After checking the Course cataloguefill in the before mobility Learning Agreement and make sure to enter the  correct course code, course title, semster and credits.

The before mobility Learning Agreementsign need to be signed by the Erasmus/Exchange student, the Home University Coodinator and then send by email to the University of Bergamo International Office for final approval and signature by the deadlines listed as follow:

  • August 30th (students who come for the 1st semester/full academic year
  • November 1st (students who come for the 2nd semester)

The Learning Agreement should be typed and not handwritten. Table A and B are compulsory and must be completed in detail.


Students coming for full Academic Year need to sign up maximum 60 credits (minimun 36 CFU) and students coming for one semester maximum 30 credits (minimun 18 CFU).

Erasmus+ students are asked to choose 50% of the courses in the Department for which they have been selected.

Language requirements and Italian Language courses (2024-2025 to be published)

Levels refer to the Common European Language  Framework -  CEFR

Italian Language Courses (Centro Italiano per stranieri)

Incoming students should have a minimum of knowledge of Italian to allow them to attend classes and exams. The minimum reccommended level is A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference. 

Before the beginning of each semester Intensive praparatory  Italian Language courses are offered.They last one/two weeks.They are not mandatory but highly recommended. The courses are free of charge. No credits will be assigned. 

During the semesters, General Italian Language Courses and special courses are organized at CIS (Centro di Italiano per Stranieri) to help students improve their language competences.  At the beginning of the semester a Placement Test is held.
 The courses are free of charge. Credits will be assigned.


The credits will be registered in the final Transcript of Records. The courses will be held on the premises of the University.

For further information please check the following webpage Centro Italiano per Stranieri click here or  write to [email protected]


Apartment Accommodation

As Erasmus/Exchange student you will be given the chance to rent a flat through the Accommodation Service of the University of Bergamo.

Please check Cercoalloggio webpage,  login with id and pw given by University during the application procedure and check the list of available rooms.

Before you apply for accommodation, please make sure you have first completed the Erasmus Admission/Registration procedure  with the  International Office.

Housing applications are processed only by the Accommodation Office  and the International Office has no influence on that process.



After June 1st: Applicants nominated  for the 1st semester (Winter Semester) or Full Academic year

After November 1st: Applicants nominated for the 2nd Semester (Spring Semester)

Erasmus Students will be informed by email when the bookings will be available.

All students have to pay a deposit fee to be refunded at the end of tenancy.
Rents are to be paid to the owners at the beginning of each month.

The contract registration fee is approximately 100 euros.
At the end of your study period, you will be required to pay a final cleaning .

The Accommodation Service supports Erasmus (KA 103 and KA107)/Exchange Students in finding accommodation in private apartments and in signing related contracts.

For further information and details, please write to: [email protected]

Temporary Accommodation
If you need an accommodation for the first few days, you can easily find:

Non EU students entry requirements and entry VISA


If you are a non-EU citizen and wish to study in Italy for more than 90 days, you need a Visa to enter Italy. If you stay for less than 90 days, find out from the Embassy (or Consulate) if you require a visa.

Important: you must apply for a Visa for "Study –Exchange and Mobility Programme".Please check Visa and rules for residence in Italy

To apply for a visa you must:

  • contact the Embassy / Consulate in the country of your residence to find out the requirements to obtain an entry visa for "Study –Exchange and Mobility Programme" and make an appointment if necessary.
  • check the following website Travel to Italy and entry rules (Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
  • Please note you must apply well in advance for the visa, as the visa process can take several months.

Non-European Union citizens must get a valid  passport. 

The Invitation letter will be issued by the International Office in late June. (after the International Office has received all Application Documents)


Register on UNIVERSITALY PORTALE  and  you will have access to all the resources and services of the UniversItaly portale.

Complete the online Visa application  procedure on the UNIVERSITALY PORTALE : Choose Università di Bergamo  > course Information/Nome corso indicato: put the course name as indicated in your invitation letter  > Course type choose: Corso Singolo/Single Course > upload copy of your invitation letter, copy of your passport and copy of transcripts of records, copy of your language certificate.

The University of Bergamo is in charge for the first verification you will receive a notification in your email account specifying if the application has been approved or not.

If your application is approved it will be transmitted to the Italian Representative. 

Italian Representative will contact you  for further information about Visa and to arrange an appointment.


If you are a student from the United Kingdom (UK) or from another non-EU country residing in the United Kingdom, carefully read the instructions on the website of the competent Consulate in London for "Exchange and mobility programs" and  arrange an appointment at the competent Consulate for the Visa application.

Among the required documents there is: original recent letter (not older than 1 month) of acceptance from University in Italy, specifying the type of course, number of weekly hours and dates, request the letter well in advance (about 20 days) to [email protected]  and proving the date of your appointment.


If you are enrolled at a University in the European Union (Schengen Area) and you have a residence permit for study purposes issued in a member country of the European Union (Schengen Area) which covers the entire mobility period and which is renewable in the country where it was issued, you must check at the Visa Office of the Embassy of Italy in the country where you currently reside and study, if you are exempted from a Visa.

It is recommended to have a written reply by e-mail from the Visa Office. In this case, upon arrival you will have to make the declaration of presence and you will not have to apply for a residence permit.

If the Embassy/Consulate offers this service, also apply for the issue of an official Italian tax code (codice fiscale).

PERMIT OF RESIDENCE: once in Italy all foreigners have to register with the Questura (Local Police) within 8 days of arrival.

The International Office will support ALL NON EU STUDENTS in the application procedure of the Italian Residence Permit. An appointment is required  with the Incoming Erasmus Office - Via San Bernardino 72/E. 

For further details, please refer to the following paragraph (below) : NON EU STUDENTS - RESIDENCE PERMIT