Research grants

What is a Research Grant?

A Research Grant is a contract awarded through a comparative selection, based on the applicant’s qualifications and interview, to young scholars with a Master’s degree and/or PhD and an educational background suitable to carry out research projects financed by the University. The research activity is done under the supervision of a scientific project manager, without any predetermined time restrictions.

Research Grants are established by art. 22 of Law 240/2010 and regulated by the University of Bergamo Regulations.


Eligible Applicants

Applicants with a Master’s degree and/or PhD and an educational background suitable to carry out research projects financed by the University may take part in the competition for the awarding of a Research Grant, according to specific research areas.

A Research Grant may not be combined with other scholarships and/or types of grant, nor may it be combined with cooperation agreements or proceeds deriving from continuous freelance professional activities

How to Take Part in the Competition

A Research Grant is awarded through a public selection regulated by specific competition notices published on the University website and other institutional websites (Miur, Euraxess). The selection consists in the assessment of the applicant’s qualifications and in an interview for applicants obtaining a positive evaluation of their qualifications.

Research Grants Competition Notices

Research Grants Duration

A Research Grant may be awarded for a period of 1 to 3 years and is renewable. Its overall duration (including its renewal) may not be longer than 6 years, not including the period in which the grant coincides with the duration of the PhD program.

How and Why to Award a Research Grant

External companies and bodies may support research by applying to finance research projects in their areas of interest, offering their own contribution to the professional growth of young researchers and giving tangible support to the University’s research activities.
Such funding is regulated by a specific convention. The minimum annual amount of a research grant is equal to € 19,367.00 gross of fees paid by the recipient.