Visiting Professors and Scholars

Internationalization and Academic research

The University of Bergamo promotes and enhances the role of Visiting Professors and Visiting Scholars, to increase the internationalization process and the development of scientific and academic research. It thus favors the permanence within UniBg of highly qualified Italian and foreign professors, experts and scholars, holding a relevant scientific or professional curriculum.

Incoming/Outgoing Visiting Professors/Researchers and Fellows

The University of Bergamo promotes the internationalisation, both encouraging incoming mobility of professors and researchers coming from foreigners Universities/Research organisations/Institutions and facilitating the international collaboration in fields of research that are relevant for our university through outgoing mobility.

The 2023 call for grants for incoming and outgoing mobility of professors, researchers and fellows closed in September 2023.

The new 2024 call for grants will be published around July 2024.

The features of the 2023 calls for grants are available in the dedicated intranet page (professors and researchers) and in the moodle page (fellows), so that you can get an idea of the programme structure.

For informations, please write an email to [email protected]