Academic Bodies

The Rector

Prof. Sergio Cavalieri

The Rector is responsible for the legal representation of the University.

  • Term of office: 15/11/2021 – 14/11/2027
Deputy Rectors

Prof. Piera MolinelliVice Rector - Staff enanchement

Prof. Elisabetta Bani - Third mission and territorial relationships

Prof. Francesca Pasquali Communication and istitutional image

Prof. Mariafrancesca SiciliaResearch

Prof. Daniela Andreini Innovation and digital transition

Prof. Flaminia Nicora – International Relations

Prof. Adolfo Scotto di Luzio - Education, orientation, placement

Prof. Annalisa Cristini Welfare and sustainable development

Prof. Stefano Tomelleri - Participatory planning

Prof. Cristiana Cattaneo - Planning and budget

Prof. Paolo Riva - Real estate management

Prof. Giuditta Pezzotta Quality assurance

Academic Senate

The Academic Senate is in charge of programs and coordinates all the University’s didactic and research activities.

Senate members for academic period 2018-2021 are:

  • Rector (President)
    prof. Sergio Cavalieri
  • Heads of Department
    prof. Giovanna Barigozzi
    prof. Rossana Bonadei
    prof. Corrado Del Bò
    prof. Alfredo Paternoster
    prof. Marco Lazzari
    prof. Gianmaria Martini
  • Full Professors Representatives
    prof. Maria Caterina Baruffi                   
    prof. Luca Brandolini
    prof. Francesco Lo Monaco
  • Associate Professors Representatives  
    prof. Marina Bianchi                             
    prof. Federica Burini                             
    prof. Nunzia Palmieri
  • Researchers Representatives 
    dott. Peter Cincinelli   
    dott. Roberto Strada
  • Administrative and technical staff Representatives
    dott. Iovino Daniela                                                 
    dott. Zanetti Vittorio
  • PhD Students Representatives
    dott.ssa Sara Pelizzari
  • Students Representatives
    sig.ra Giulia Camotti
    sig.ra Maria Schisano
    sig. Andrea Cornolti
Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is in charge of administration, finance and property for the University.
For the period 2019-2021 Board members are:

  • Rector (President)
    prof. Sergio Cavalieri
  • University External Staff Members
    dott. Simona Bonomelli
    dott. Roberta Frigeni
    ing. Andrea Moltrasio
  • University Staff Members
    prof. Andrea Clemente Maria Bottani
    dott.ssa Silvana Lamancusa
    prof.ssa Isabella Natali Sora
    prof. Renato Redondi
    prof.ssa Laura Viganò
  • Students Representatives
    sig.ra Oualid Kaouri
    sig. Andrea Pagani 

The Board of Directors may constitute within itself a University Council, empowering this for specific operational and management activities, expressly defined in program documents. For the 2019-2021 period no Council has been constituted.

Managing Director

Michela Pilot
[email protected]
Term of office: 01/03/2020 - 28/02/2023

The Managing Director, following indications given from the Board of Directors, is in charge of the general services management and organization, functional resources and the University’s administrative and technical staff.

Board of Statutory Auditors

The Board of Statutory Auditors is responsible for controlling the University’s administration and accountancy management.
The board is composed as follows:

  • Gaia Palmieri - President
  • Enrico Facoetti
  • Antonio Di Donato
  • Vincenzo Aguanno
  • Alessia Franzellitti

For further details, please visit the relevant page.

University Assessment Commission

The University Assessment Commission is in charge of internal assessment for didactic and research activities, actions promoting the right to education, and administration management, by controlling the productivity of didactic and research activities, the appropriate use of public resources, and the correct performance of administrative actions. 

For further details, please visit the relevant page.
  • Stefania Servalli - Coordinator
  • Valerio Re
  • Gianpiero Adami
  • Valter Brancati
  • Patrizia Graziani
  • Vincenzo Tedesco
  • Anna Papetti


Quality Presidium

The University promotes a quality driven system, thanks to a Committee dedicated to promoting, guiding, overseeing and effectively assessing all didactic, research and Third Mission activities, also taking into account annual reports carried out by the Assessment Commission, by the joint teacher-student commissions and by the Commissions managing Quality Assurance (QA) in departmental research.

For the period 2022-2024 the Quality Presidium is composed as follows:

For further details please visit the relevant page.

Disciplinary Committee

The disciplinary committee is the body in charge of giving course to the preliminary actions, following indications by the Rector, in case of disciplinary suit against University professors or researchers.

For the period 2019-2021 the Disciplinary committee is composed as follows:

Committee for the integrity and ethics of research

The Committee for the integrity and ethics of research is an independent body, giving opinions on research ethics, bioethics and biolaw, including all ethical, deontological and juridical issues listed in the Regulation for integrity and ethics in research.

Board members:

University Sport Committee

The University Sport Committee (CSU) addresses sport facilities management issues and the development of sports activity programs, elaborates plans for the building and maintenance of sport facilities, defining the relevant financial needs and requests, complying with current laws.

The Committee assures regular access to sport activities thanks to an agreement with CUS Bergamo.

For the period 2022-2024 the University Sport Committee is composed as follows:

  • prof. Francesco Lo Monaco, Rector's Delegate and President
  • dott. Claudio Bertoletti, President CUS Bergamo
  • dott. Giuseppe Ventre, CUSI representative  
  • sig.ra Claudia Nespoli, Student representative
  • sig. Christian Pio Caruso, Student representative
  • Managing Director and Secretary
Guarantee Committee

The Guarantee Committee (CUG) supports and promotes actions aiming to achieve equality within the University, with equal work opportunities for all, men and women, to overcome any form of, direct or indirect, discrimination based on gender, age, ethnic background, sexual preferences, disability, religion or language, to guarantee a work environment devoted to reciprocal wellbeing, preventing, contrasting and eliminating any form of sexual, moral or psychological brutality towards the employees.

The CUG is composed as follows:

Further information at the relevant page

Students Committee

The Students Committee is the body representing students within the University.