The University implements its own quality policy for Research and Third mission, in order to increase its position as a main player in knowledge development and as the promoter of socio-economic innovation for the area and the Country, endorsing quality assurance principles and adopting a Quality Assurance (QA) system applied to its research structures: the departments.
Strategic goals, responsibilities and lines of action are periodically defined by departments in their Strategic Plans, in compliance with the University Strategic Plan, Strategic Plan for Research and Strategic Plan for the Third mission. Actions and results are continually monitored, allowing – if necessary – to improve the action taken.
Piano strategico per la ricerca di Ateneo
Piano strategico di Terza missione
Department Strategic Plans define the quality policy for research and third mission.
Departments have developed quality assurance and management processes for research and third mission implementing a constant improvement cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act).
Detailed accounts for these activities can be found in the departments’ research and third mission Annual Report.
Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Department of Management, Information and Production Engineering
Department of Letters, Philosophy, Communication
Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Department of Management, Economics and Quantitative Methods
Department of Human and Social Sciences
VQR 2011-2014 is the Universities and departments’ Research Quality Assessment procedure, carried out by ANVUR (Italian assessment agency for University and Research), particularly aimed at the quality assessment of teachers’ and researchers’ scientific production. This assessment, complying with ministerial regulations, also affects the University FFO (ordinary financial fund) reward distribution.
VQR procedure has actively involved the Universities between autumn 2015 and summer 2016, after which ANVUR and Ministerial experts commissions started their assessment work. In February 2017 ANVUR published general and detailed results for all Universities.
Rapporto finale VQR 2011-2014 Università degli studi di Bergamo
SUA-RD (Annual Departmental Study Program Form) is a part of the A.V.A. (Self-assessment, periodical assessment, validation) system e prepares universities to assessment visits for periodical validation. It defines the department’s organizational structure and quality policies and – based on data and factual indicators – represent the tool through which universities and departments can reflect upon their own research programs. All the information presented in the SUA-RD, compiled each year by the departments, supplies to students, families, companies and public bodies a complete picture of the expertise and research activities for each department.