Language Courses


If you are interested in attending language courses but you're not enrolled at the University of Bergamo, discover the opportunities we offer.

Intercomprehension Course of Romance Languages

The Language Centre (CCL) of the University of Bergamo organizes the intercomprehension course of Romance languages and targets absolute beginners in the concerned languages.
It is divided in several training proposals:

  1. Basic Course
    The course aims to develop simultaneous understanding of texts written in: Catalan, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.
    With this course you can reach an intermediate B1 level of receptive competence according to the European Framework of Reference for Languages.
  2. Specialist Course for Teachers
    The CCL is collecting subscriptions to create a training course targeting teachers of LS (in particular of Romance languages but not only) of Italian language and all teachers who, for various reasons, want to reflect on the collaborative dimension of learning and on the intercultural value of communication through interlingual paths. If you are interested please write to: [email protected].
On-demand foreign language courses

The Language Competence Centre is considering the possibility of activating courses in foreign languages for external users as well.
For further information: [email protected]