Digital tools

Digital tools for professors
Digital tools at the service of students

University of Bergamo provides students with various digital tools to support teaching and their university career, discover them here. 

PLEASE NOTE: To use the tools listed you must have the credentials of the e-mail account, available only upon completion of the enrollment. If you do not have these credentials or have access problems please contact 


UniBg community software
Office 365 productivity tools
The Google workspace at your service

Every student has access to a Gmail inbox, with unlimited space on Drive and access to all the tools in the Google workspace: Calendar, Meet, Sites and more.

Discover them all when you have access to your inbox here or explore them first here

Distance learning and lessons with Moodle

Many of the University’s teaching activities are managed and organised directly online, through Moodle Unibg, a distance learning platform that provides many courses delivered by the university, archives for teaching materials and much more.  

As well as the degree courses’ teaching activities Unibg provides this platform even for PhD, Masters’ and postgraduate specialisation courses, courses for foreigners and courses for interested external institutions. 

Find out more about Moodle UniBg

UniBg libraries within a click

The library service is also available online, making available to the student both several electronic journals and various services such as:

  • Electronic databases
  • A personal platform for the telematic management of your loans
  • The possibility to browse the online catalogue of each library
  • Staff able to provide bibliographic consulting services also for writing the thesis

If you want to know more about the university library services click here.