The university career is your study path: exams, lessons, study plan, administrative procedures to manage. To always keep your university career under control and get all the useful information, you have several tools at your disposal. Select the menus below to learn more.
Reminder: you’ll always have the opportunity to contact the Students’ Services Office throughout your course of study.
UniBg is partner of UBI Banca: at the end of the registration you have been taken a photo for the Flash Up UniBg card, with which you can access the university areas, pay taxes and receive your scholarships: always carry it with you.
Your @ email is the first thing you will receive once enrolled will be your email address, the main direct communication channel with the university.
Through the email address you can access all Google services, from Google Drive with unlimited space to all productivity tools. Furthermore, you can download Office 365 for free.
The first semester’s lessons are delivered remotely through Microsoft Teams:
you can find here a video that answers all the most frequently asked questions; the eLearning section has plenty of useful information to read about all the tools available for all students.
The University of Bergamo has its own institutional website, which you are browsing right now, but there are also the websites of the individual departments (visit the website of your department!) and, degree courses’s websites.
Didactic calendars, study plans, reference contacts, are available on your degree course website.
UniBg is everywhere on social networks: you can find us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn.
The Dashboard is the manifesto of your academic career. Log in as much as you can, to have everything under control.
You've already met it: pre-enrollments and matriculations take place through the Dashboard.
Through the Internet Desk you can also apply for scholarships, fill out the study plan, book for exam sessions and much more.
In HomePage you will find the Web Agenda, which brings together everything you need to know about dates and times of lessons and exams, to filter by different parameters: by course of study, by teacher, by teaching.
To reach these information everytime and everywhere, download the EasyUniBg app (available on the App Store and Google Play), and you’ll receive push notifications whenever the events (courses and exams) you are interested in will undergo changes in the programming.
Moodle UniBg is basically the university’s e-learning platform, now it’s also the space where you’ll have the opportunity to follow lessons remotely: remember that this academic year’s first semester lessons will be entirely carried out remotely.
UniBg has three libraries available to all students, with thousands of books and magazines. You will have the opportunity to borrow the books you need, or consult them on site.
Remember that UniBg Library Services also give you access to numerous electronic resources (journals, databases, etc.) and can provide you with bibliographic advice for your thesis.
What if you need to speak to your teacher?
Remember that you can look up to the Contacts section of your degree course website: this is where you find the names of degree course’s president, students’ representatives, secretarial contacts.
If the name of a specific person you are looking for is not present, there is the UniBg's Contacts section, a search engine to find any member of the UniBg staff you want to contact, with the related courses and programs.
HelpDesk allows all students to get in touch with the Students’ Services Office; when the tools you have at your disposal can’t solve a problem, we ask you to open a ticket: within a few hours your request will be handled by the Office staff.