Taxes and benefits

For everyone

When registering for the first time or renewing enrolment for the following course year, all students must pay a fee of € 156,00 (Regional tax and stamp duty), regardless of the course of studies, of full or part time enrolment or of the number of years attended.

First and second installment

The amount of first installment of comprehensive contribution is calculated on the basis of Tax paying range and and the amount is not less than 200,00 €.

The second installment is calculated by the difference between comprehensive contribution and the payment of the first installment (if the difference is 0,00 € , the second installment will not be charged). Up to an amount of 430,00 € first and second comprehensive contributions will be combined. 

The amount of comprehensive contribution is based on:

  • Tax paying range according to ISEEU parificato

  • Number of enrolled years compared with normal course duration 

  • Full time or part time attendance

Tax paying ranges

Tax paying range is determined based on University Equivalent Economic Status Indicator (ISEEU):

  • Range A: ISEE value between 0,00 and 14.420,31 €;

  • Range B: ISEE value between 14.420,32 and 17.709,34 €;

  • Range C: ISEE value between € 17.709,35 and 25.000,00;

  • Range D: ISEE value between € 25.000,01 and 33.000,00;

  • Range E: ISEE value between € 33.000,01 and 46.000,00;

  • Range F: ISEE value between € 46.000,01 and 58.000,00;

  • Range G: ISEE value above € 58.000,00.

The ISEEU certification must be requested before 31 December 2024.

If you don’t specifically require a ISEEU certification within 31 December 2024, you will be automatically placed in the top tax paying range, thus having to pay the maximum comprehensive contribution amount.

You will be able to modify this situation, by belatedly presenting the ISEEU 2025 certification, no later than 30 September 2025, with a charge of € 150,00. Belated certifications will not be automatically aquired by the University, but you will have to present them at the Tax Office or submit them in pdf form via Ticket to the Tax Office.

We suggest you check which is your tax paying range before 31 December 2023, by accessing the Students Office /University ISEE section of your Online Students’ helpdesk.

Independent student

In the case of students who constitute a separate family unit, they may only be considered independent when the two conditions listed below are met:

  • residence outside the home unit of the family of origin, for at least two years since the date of submission of the application, in accommodation not owned by one of its members;
  • income from employment or similar, declared for tax purposes for at least two years, not lower than € 9.000,00 per year.

in case both of the above mentioned conditions – duly documented – are not met, the financial and economic status of the family of origin will be taken into account.

Students with residence and income abroad

Foreign students or Italian students residing abroad must require the ISEEU "parificato" certification. 

These students for the issuing of the ISEEU "parificato" must present to a CAF (tax assistance center) chosen by the University the appropriate documentation issued by the competent authorities of the Country in which the income is produced and translated into Italian by the Italian diplomatic authorities having jurisdiction on the territory. 

All the certifications requested by 31 December 2024 will be acquired automatically from the CAF by university.

For the complete list of documents needed and other information please see the page Students with residence and income abroad.

Political refugees 

Students who have been granted a political refugee status will only have to provide an ISEE certification related to their income/assets in Italy, if any, but must send a copy of the political refugee status certification by Ticket to Tax Office.

Students with income produced in Italy

The economic status of these students is identified on the basis of the ISEEU certification  issued by INPS (Italian National Social Security Institute) as D.P.C.M. no. 159/2013 and subsequent amendments and additions. All the certifications requested by 31 December 2024 will be acquired automatically from the INPS database.

Amounts for degree courses by didactic area

Students with ISEEU parificato certificate enrolled in degree courses of the Departments of Economics - Management– Law – Letters, Philosophy, Communication – Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Human and Social Sciences (degree course in Scienze dell’educazione, master’s degree program in Scienze pedagogiche) 

  • Complying with set time: 

    • Tax paying range A: € 200,00

    • Tax paying range B: € 300,00

    • Tax paying range C: € 400,00

    • Tax paying ranges D, E, F and G: € 450,00 - 1.783,00

  • I°FC (after prescribed time): € 200,00 - 2.073,00

  • II°FC (after prescribed time): € 200,00 - 2.218,00

  • III°FC (after prescribed time): € 200,00 - 2.363,00

Students with ISEEU parificato certificate enrolled in degree courses of the Department of Human and Social Sciences – psychology area courses (degree course in Psychological Sciences and Techniques of Interpersonal Relationships and of social organizations, a specialization and master’s degree course in Clinical psychology, including the English language option, single cycle master course in Scienze della formazione primaria)

  • Complying with set time:

    • Tax paying range A: € 200,00

    • Tax paying range B : € 320,00

    • Tax paying range C: € 440,00

    • Tax paying ranges D, E, F and G: € 500,00 - 1.883,00

  • I°FC (after prescribed time): € 200,00 - 2.173,00

  • II°FC (after prescribed time): € 200,00 - 2.318,00

  • III°FC (after prescribed time): € 200,00 - 2.463,00

Students with ISEEU parificato certificate enrolled in degree and master’s courses of the Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Management, Information and Production Engineering 

  • Complying with set time:

    • Tax paying range A: € 200,00

    • Tax paying range B : € 350,00

    • Tax paying range C: € 470,00

    • Tax paying ranges D, E, F and G: € 550,00 - 1.983,00

  • I°FC (after prescribed time): € 200,00 - 2.273,00

  • II°FC (after prescribed time): € 200,00 - 2.418,00

  • III°FC (after prescribed time): € 200,00 - 2.563,00

Benefits: Top 10 Student Program, Dual Career

Exemptions assigned ex officio following a scholarship application (D.Lgs. 68/2012)

Students registered in a.y. 2024-2025, including those enrolled in Ph.D. courses, who have been considered eligible for scholarship are totally exempt from comprehensive contribution payment if they have acquired the requisite profit, as indicated in the scholarship call, within 10 August 2025; in case they acquire the requisite profit after 10 August 2025 but not beyond 30 November 2025 they will be partially exempt, in the measure of 50%, from comprehensive contribution payment. 

Instead, comprehensive contribution will be charged completely, to all students who have not acquired the profit requisite within the deadline of 30 November 2025.

Students enrolled for a.y. 2024-2025 in any year following the first, including Ph.D. courses, who have been considered eligible for scholarship are totally exempt from comprehensive contribution payment.

Students enrolled for a.y. 2024-2025 to an extra semester beyond regular course duration (first year after prescribed time) who have been considered eligible for scholarship are partially exempt, in the measure of 50%, from comprehensive contribution payment.

Top 10 Student Program 

Students who are considered particularly worthy, based on the “Top 10 Student Program”, up to a maximum of 10% of the total, are totally or partially exempt from annual comprehensive contribution payment. 

Dual Career for student-athletes

Students participating in the Dual Career program for student-athletes can register for part time attendance, thus benefiting from a special contribution reduction. 

For all other reductions and benefits, refer to the relevant pages.

Further benefits

Refer to page other reductions and benefits to discover if you belong to any category benefiting from total or partial exemption from comprehensive contribution payment.

Payment procedures
Tax office

Certification, for fiscal benefits, of taxes and contributions paid during the relevant fiscal year, will be delivered digitally (via mail or Ticket) only following a specific request.

The appropriate form,  Fiscal Certification Request, can be found in the Forms section, selecting the form type Taxes and contributions. 
The form can be presented physically at the Right for Education Service in appropriate opening times, or digitally, via Ticket.

The required certificate will be delivered within three working days from form presentation.