Students with residence and income abroad

If you are a student with residence and income/assets abroad you will not be able to certify  your economic position through an ISEEU certification issued by INPS, In this case you must apply for the issue of an ISEEU "parificato". The deadline to apply for ISEEU  "parificato" is 31 December 2024.

For obtaining the ISEEU parificato you must contact the CAF MCL – Movimento Cristiano Lavoratori di via Jacopo Palma Il Vecchio, 85 – Bergamo By choosing one of this procedures:

- By sending an email with all documents attached to [email protected];


- By requesting an appointment by calling +39 035 225453

For obtaining the ISEEU parificato it is necessary to present the following documentation issued by the competent authorities of the Country in which the income is produced and translated into Italian by the Italian diplomatic authorities having jurisdiction on the territory, CAF office will accept only original documents issued in year 2024:

  • Identity card (if EU countries) or passport;
  • Student number (matricula), only for students already enrolled at University of Bergamo;
  • Fiscal code (students who haven’t received it yet, will provide it to CAF later, as soon as they will be assigned one).
  • Incomes and properties in Italy:

- for bank accounts and deposits: balance at 31st December 2023 and the average balance of 2023 (or the bank statement with all year’s transactions to permit us to calculate average balance);

- CU relevant to any scholarships received in 2023 (received by e-mail in March 2023 [email protected]).

  • Certification of composition of the foreign family unit: WARNING: household means all the people living in the same house with the student (e.g.: parents + siblings + other people living in the same house). In case of separated or divorced parents, the applicant belongs to the household of the parent receiving child maintenance for the student. In the case of parents who are not legally separated or divorced, the household of the applicant will be assessed together with the combined households of both parents.
  • House rental: If the family rents a house, the student should provide a copy of the current rental agreement indicating how much is paid monthly.
  • Incomes for the solar year 2023 of each member of the family: the document must clearly state that the income refers to the solar year 2023.
  • Family properties:

- purchase price or market value for properties owned by the family (building and land) at 31st December 2023;

- in case of a mortgage on the house (or other property), the student should provide a copy of the mortgage statement indicating the remaining amount at 31st December 2023 to be paid to the financial institution that provided the loan.

  • Assets owned by the members of the family on 31st December 2023 (bank accounts, securities, dividends, shareholdings, fractions of the net assets of any companies owned, etc.):

- for bank accounts and deposits: balance at 31st December 2023 and the average balance of 2023 (or the bank statement with all year’s transactions to permit us to calculate average balance);

- personal estate of the family owned at 31st December2023 (assets, dividends, etc.).

In case of absence of property/ income / assets for some family member you need a declaration confirming this condition.


In those countries where there are particular difficulties issuing the certification certified by the local Italian Embassy, the same may be issued by the competent foreign diplomatic or consular representation in Italy and legalised by the Prefectures under art. 33 of Presidential Decree no. 445 of 28th December 2000.


If you come from one of the following "particularly poor and developing Countries" as per Mur Decree no. 440 of 13 th February 2024:

Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Kiribati, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lesotho, Liberia Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tuvalu, Uganda, Yemen, Zambia.

you have to present to the CAF only a certification of the Italian representation in your country of origin certifying that you do not belong to a family of notoriously high income and high social status. Such certification may also be issued by the student’s foreign University having agreements or conventions with our University or by Italian bodies authorised to provide guarantees for financial coverage as set out in the current provisions on the enrolment of foreign students in Italian universities. In the latter case the certifying body must undertake to return the scholarship on behalf of the student in case of revocation of the same. The student is in any case obliged to declare the income and assets held, if any, by his family unit based on Legislative Decree 31st March 1999, no. 109, as amended by Legislative Decree 3rd May 2000, no. 130.


The student will be placed ex officio in band G if he/she does not request the ISEEU parificato by the deadline of 31 December 2024. In this case, no later than 30 September 2025, it will still be possible to request an ISEEU parificato and deliver it to the Tax Office with a penalty of € 150.00. The certificate must be forwarded by the student to the Tax Office in PDF format by Ticket or delivered to the Tax Office during opening hours. For students who will apply late for the ISEEU parificato in 2025, the documents to be produced will be those relating to the income and properties as at 31 December 2024.