Students remunerated collaboration activities

University of Bergamo also offers part time collaboration to students.
This activity may be developed in any area of Administration.



University of Bergamo students are eligible for collaboration assignments if, at the given announcement deadline, they are:

  • in line with enrolment in any year following the first, and not beyond the second after set time for degree courses, single cycle master courses, masters’ degree courses
  • enrolled in the first year of masters’ degree courses
  • having acquired at least 3/5 of credits indicated in their study plan within the end of the previous Academic year
  • enrolled in University Ph.D. courses

Students enrolled for a second equal level degree or in the 1st year of any three-year graduation course or single cycle master course cannot apply for this selection. 

To be eligible for selection students must have acquired no later than the limit date of 31/12/2018 at least 3/5 of credits indicated in their study plan, referring to course years previous to the current one 2018-2019 (i.e.: for a 3° year student in academic year 2018-2019 the credits acquired in the first and second year will be considered). Any exam held and passed before the date of 31/12/2018, even if not yet registered on the students’ personal page, will be also counted in the credit amount and its grading calculated in the average grading.

Credits acquired in 2018-2019 academic sessions will not be considered.

Selection Office and Juridical management are in charge of acquiring career data from the Students Office, verifying the correct registration of all exams held before 31/12/2018. 

Available activities

Selection will lead to a ranking of students, eligible to carry out the following activities:

  • Administrative services, with the exception of those implying administrative responsibilities 
  • audio-visual distribution service and assistance to students
  • library services
  • auxiliary technical services
  • logistic support services for didactic and research activities
  • assistance to disabled or DSA students
  • support to the University’s educational offer promotion in exhibitions, student shows and other orientation events
  • support to students’ survey activities