The following listed exemptions:
- 40 % if they belong to income bracket A and B;
- 30% if they belong to income bracket C and D;
- 20 % if they belong to income bracket E and F;
- 10 % if they belong to income bracket G.
- enrolled in University of Bergamo and at the same time in a Higher Education Institute for Art, Music and Dance (AFAM);
- enrolled at the same time in two bachelor's degree programs, master's degree, single-cycle master's degree at the University of Bergamo or at the University of Bergamo and at another Italian university;
need the presentation of an appropriate application, through the Students Office /Exemptions section in the Online Students’ helpdesk personal student area, by clicking on the icon next to the kind of exemption required. Exemption application must be presented starting from 1 August 2024 and no later than 31 January 2025, together with possible integrative documents.
For more information on the subject please open a Ticket with the Tax Office.
The following categories are completely exempt from comprehensive contribution payment:
Students who apply for contribution exemption for any of the above reasons may not take exams for a.y. 2024-2025.
Benefit request may not be withdrawn during the academic year.
Interested students must present of an appropriate application, through the Students Office /Suspension section in the Online Students’ helpdesk personal student area, no earlier than 1 August 2024 and no later than 17 May 2025.
In the event that the student intends to temporarily interrupt the studies for personal reasons other than those listed above, he must not proceed with the payment of the €156.00 for the renewal of the registration to the academic year 2024-2025 without the need to submit a specific application. In the event that the student has renewed the registration to the academic year 2024-2025, the subsequent non-payment of the all-inclusive contribution installments due for the academic year 2024-2025 does not imply automatic suspension from studies and does not constitute implicit renunciation of studies.
Students who wish to put their academic career back together after an interruption period , are completely exempt from comprehensive contribution payment for the years in which they were not enrolled, but need only to pay a fixed recognition contribution of € 200,00 for each missing year up to the fourth, reduced to € 50,00 starting from the fifth year. This contribution is not due for those who, in the previous academic year, were issued suspension due to maternity or serious and prolonged infirmity.
The exemptions mentioned above may not be cumulated.
Students who are enrolled for a second degree may not benefit from any exemption, with the exception of:
-students with 66% or higher invalidity or having acknowledged handicap status in compliance with L. 104/92;
-students who apply for suspension for serious and prolonged illness
- female students who apply for suspension for the year of each child’s birth.
Students graduating from three-year/single cycle master courses within the summer 2025 session in accordance with set time considering their first registration year into the University System, with no didactic interruption, are exempt from comprehensive contribution payment according to the following indications, with reference to contributions paid in their last year of enrolment:
100% if belonging to income range A;
80% if belonging to income range B;
70% if belonging to income range C;
60% if belonging to income range D;
50% if belonging to income range E;
40% if belonging to income range F;
10% if belonging to income range G
The exemption in question is assigned ex officio, without the need to present any application.
For No tax area and others reductions for students with ISEEU issued by INPS please see the page Contribuzione studentesca.