Didactic Quality Assurance

The Annual Study Program Form (SUA-CdS), prepared each year by Course presidents, is the benchmark for all the planning, management, self-assessment and improvement of courses of study. Within the courses, self-assessment and improvement are activities constantly carried out by the review groups, based on student career data made available every four months by ANVUR in their monitoring charts, following which they prepare a 5 yearly cyclic review report. This takes into account also the result of graduates’ opinion survey about the correspondence between what they have learnt during their course of studies and the professional world’s demands.

Didactic quality is also ensured through the work of o Joint Teacher-Student Committees (CPDS), which supervise the development of courses, also thanks to opinion polls which students answer every year.

Improvement and self-assessment are also promoted through the Teaching Quality Program, stimulating to single out critical aspects and possible improvement measures with a financial contribution rewarding their efficient implementation.

Teaching Quality Program

Since 2013 the University has adopted the Teaching Quality Program project with the aim of:

  • Motivating departments to pay attention to the quality of their educational offer;
  • Promoting courses to single out critical aspects and adopting actions to improve them, consistently with assessment and self-assessment system standards;
  • Implementing a rewarding sum to acknowledge the quality goals reached;
  • Financing actions aimed at the improvement of the critical aspects singled out within the courses

TQP 2018-2019

Opinion survey

Opinion survey of students, near-graduates and teaching staff represents a crucial information source for periodical assessment of didactic quality and of the overall organisation of courses of study. 
The answers to assessment questionnaires are analysed by the Course of Studies Councils, by the Joint teacher-student commissions and by the University Assessment Commission with a view to constant improvement.

Students' opinion surveys

The (attending and non-attending) students’ opinion about the teaching in each subject is collected every year anonymously through a telematic questionnaire, the results of which are available, grouped by course of study, on the website SisValDidat.
Instructions for accessing the questionnaires and consulting results can be found in the documents indicated below.
Questionnaire results can be consulted as from a.y. 2013-2014. For a.y. 2018-2019 assessments are updated to 02/08/2019.

Questionari di valutazione della didattica da parte degli studenti - Guida all'accesso

Questionari in lingua inglese di valutazione della didattica - Guida all'accesso

Questionari in lingua inglese di valutazione della didattica - Guida all'accesso (English version)

Rilevazioni sulla valutazione della didattica - Guida per la consultazione dei risultati

Teachers' opinion surveys

Teaching staff’s view upon the topics they teach is collected every year anonymously through telematic questionnaires. Instructions for accessing the questionnaires can be found in the documents indicated below.

Questionari di valutazione della didattica da parte dei docenti - Guida all'accesso


Grad students' opinion surveys

Starting from 1 January 2015 the University has joined the Inter-university Consortium AlmaLaurea, which every year investigates Profiles and occupational status of graduates after 1, 3 and 5 years, providing the participant Universities, the MIUR (Ministry of Education and Research), Italian assessment agency for University and Research (ANVUR) with reliable documentation to facilitate the decision making process and the creation of training, career counselling and student service programs.

Occupation surveys are available on the AlmaLaurea Inter-university Consortium website.
Surveys preceding 2015 are available on the University’s intranet website.