Applications and Hosting Departments: 1 -> 6
- Applications by a Visiting Professor, Visiting Researcher, Visiting Scholar and Visiting PhD Student must be supported by University of Bergamo professors and researchers (including term-appointed researchers) within the frame of a common interest didactic and/or scientific project. Applications should be presented using the specific form, with the foreign academic’s/researcher’s résumé and personal statement (the form can be found in the restricted area of the University’s website), together with a presentation letter by the visiting’s Home University/Institution responsible. Local academics will act as internal references for the guests
- The Department board approves the Visiting Professor/Researcher/Scholar/PhD Student status based on the classification above defined, and guarantees, for the whole length of the guest’s stay, a work placement and access to stations, allowing guests to carry out their research and didactic activities
- The Department, having approved a visiting period at University of Bergamo, communicates to the relevant offices the names and visit length of foreign academics/researchers who have been authorized to carry out didactic and research activities, to consent access to the necessary services (libraries, laboratories, Academic Services) without the need of a badge. If required, a badge may be issued for periods exceeding the length of 30 days
- At the end of their stay, the hosting Department will issue to visiting academics/researchers a declaration certifying their status, signed by the Deputy Pro-rector for International Relations
- Departments, together with the Research Service, will collect names and all necessary information to prepare the annual Academic Visiting Register
- Departments, together with the Research Service, if necessary, will support the Visiting Academic, with the relevant documents for their access to Italy (invitation letter for the Embassy/Consulate, hospitality agreement following art. 27 ter of Dlgs 286/98 for stays exceeding 90 days) and to regularize their stay on Italian territory (residency permit, registration with the national health system).