Behavioral safety rules for 'Phase 2'

At UniBg we made changes to the performance of some academic activities, in view of the security protocols that we are all required to comply with on the national territory.

The protection of the health of students and staff is the university's top priority: the basic principle is the concept that "everyone protects everyone".

Access and attendance
  • Access

Access to the buildings will be allowed only to authorized persons, technical and administrative staff, teachers and students limited to active services and offices.

Before entering the office, anyone will undergo a body temperature measurement, to verify that it does not exceed 37.5°C;

  • Attendance: offices and laboratories

Working from home is the ordinary way of working until the end of the state of emergency, but, to guarantee the regular course of administrative activities, presence in offices will be allowed, always respecting the rules of social distancing and contagion prevention.

Each office or service’s manager will have to schedule shifts and activities’ planning: the protected categories are still protected (affected people or parents with children with disabilities, parents with children under the age of 14, people who are on loan assistance to people with pathologies or disabilities, people unable to reach the workplace by public transport.

  • Meetings

It’s strictly recommended to privilege remote work: in case face-to-face meetings are necessary, they will only be possible in large spaces, to be occupied in compliance with the maximum limit of 30% of their capacity.

Libraries and hygiene measures
  • Libraries

Everyone must respect the distance of at least one meter between two people in the library spaces: at the desks and service stations you will find plexiglass barriers.

Employees will always wear disposable gloves to touch books and documents, and will also wear the mask:

  • to walk thorugh the spaces of the library
  • if it is not possible to guarantee the distance of one meter;
  • during front desk operations.

You will be able to access libraries only by wearing a mask, and you will always have to keep it. To consult the library collections at home, you will need to wear disposable gloves that will be provided by the staff.

  • Hygiene measures

Before the library closes, every employee will clean work tools and work station, used during the day, with chlorine or alcohol-based disinfectants. Once or more during the opening hours, the present staff will open doors and windows to clear the air.

A space inside the library will be reserved for the 72-hour quarantine of the returned books, before they can be readmitted to circulation and before they are put back on the shelves.

  • Elevators, printers, vending machines

We do not recommend the use of elevators, for its reduced footage. If you need to use them, be sure to be alone.

To use network printers and vending machines it is recommended to wear gloves.

  • Cafè and canteen

We suggest to be cautious when in common areas and to always adopt social distancing.

Security good practices

Sanitizing gel dispensers will be placed in easily accessible points inside the buildings; the use of the sanitizing gel is recommended in addition to frequent washing of hands with soap and water and in any case before and after accessing one's workplace or meeting with other workers.

Specific daily cleaning and periodic sanitization activities will be arranged in the identified places of highest transit and at the end of the working day: workers who access must normally wear the surgical mask type to prevent transmission of the infection.

Masks will be made available to all personal protective equipment. It is strictly forbidden to smoke, as well as inside the buildings, in the courtyards and squares.