Art. 1 – Didactic Activities, regular exams and Graduations
Legal dispositions from DR 131/2020 of 11.03.2020 “Suspension of all academic activities in the Bergamo and Dalmine University premises”, concerning on site didactic activities, are extended to 31 July 2020, save cancellation by authorities.
Didactic activities, lessons and workshops will carry on in the form of distance learning until 31 July 2020. The scheduled calendars are confirmed and must be respected as much as possible, to ensure that the students’ training path is not delayed or compromised.
Regular oral exams, preparation of degree and Ph.D. dissertations and final exams will carry on in the form of distance learning, following indications from the Regulation approved with D.R. 144/2020 of 20.03.2020. This regulation is extended also to Master degree and specialization courses, including training courses.
Starting from the month of May, also the written exams, which it was not possible to convert into orals, will be held online, complying with operative instructions to be published on the University portal.
For all practical or training activities included by courses within the current didactic system, or following graduation, even when finalized to professional qualification, new and different procedures may be adopted, including distance-learning forms, taking into account specific national governmental indications.
Workshop and tutoring activities (even in the form of practical exercises) can be carried out online, within the didactic programs already established by the Departments or the School of Engineering.
Student-teacher meetings will carry on as previously indicated, online, using the digital platforms indicated by each teacher, and published on the university website.
Seminars, summer schools and other support activities normally held in the summer season may be organized in digital form or following safety regulations in place at the time of the actual activity.
Art. 2 – Admission tests for academic year 2020-2021 study courses
Admission tests for degree courses, master single-cycle courses, Master degrees and post graduate training courses for academic year 2020/2021 will be held online, unless there are different national indications.
Supply and management of TOLC in the time of Covid-19 national emergency will be carried out through the TOLC@CASA tool, in form of distance learning, guaranteeing the same level of reliability as in traditional mode.
Art. 3 – Access to Bergamo and Dalmine University premises
Starting from 11 May, teaching and technical-administrative staff will be allowed access to Bergamo and Dalmine university premises, as indicated in Annex 1 prospect, in due respect of all current safety measures and precautions.
Classrooms, study rooms, IT rooms, the canteen and bars will remain closed and public spaces will not be in use.
Only authorized personnel will be allowed access to the buildings, in due respect of regulations explained in Annex 2.
Art. 4 – Administrative Activities
Ordinary administrative activities are ensured by technical-administrative staff in agile working, in compliance with articles 18 to 23 of Law 22 May 2017, n. 81 for the whole lasting of the emergency, keeping safe an office presence, to oversee procedure performance and the proper development of didactic, institutional and administrative activities. This presence must be managed following indications in Annex 2).
The following services qualify as essential and not deferrable:
Art. 5 – Lab research activities
Researching or teaching activities within the labs – will be allowed to teachers and researchers, but exclusively as individual activity and following procedures to completely avoid any form of gathering.
Individuals in charge of Lab researching or teaching activities, will have the responsibility of adopting the most appropriate procedures to regulate and distribute access to the labs, considering specific space conditions and the relevant activities, in total compliance at least with the indications of Annex 2.
Art. 6 – Library Services
Access to libraries will be allowed only for loaning and return functions; study rooms will remain closed. Book consultation may be authorized by appointment, following indications in Annex 3.
Art. 7 – Students Help-desk
Students’ help-desk activities carry on online. Any possible need for on-site meetings may be managed by appointment, following indications in Annex 2.
Art. 8 – Other activities
The following are still suspended:
- academic bodies on-site meetings,
- competitive exams, save cases in which applicants assessment is based exclusively on curricular elements, or online,
- congresses and meetings.
Art. 9 – Transitional and Final provisions
Regulations on safety and staff behavior are effectively compulsory, and if disobeyed, will lead to sanctions for the University, as applied by controlling Authorities; consequently, this will also lead to disciplinary and/or compensation effects for individual transgressors.
The listed regulations may be cancelled before 31 July in case of new indications on the topic from the relevant authorities.