Meeting will be held February 14th, 2025 (from 1.30 pm to 5.30 pm) at Pignolo Campus, Via Pignolo, 123 - Room 1.
Please sign up here:
On this occasion please bring your certificate of arrival to be signed and stamped.
(If you attend the Intensive Italian Course starting on the 10th of February, please bring the attendance/arrival certificate with you during the first lesson. A tutor will be present there and collect it for the signature)
The University of Bergamo will welcome you with its team of students who have already had an Erasmus experience during their studies and are looking forward to supporting you during your mobility. In case of any general question about the University services or the City of Bergamo Tutor will support Erasmus students through information desks.
WHERE: ECONOMIC CAMPUS - Via dei Caniana, 2 - Bergamo - Città bassa
WHEN: from February 10th to February 28th from Monday to Friday 09 am to 1 pm
WHERE: International Office - Via San Bernardino,72 - second floor
WHEN: from February 10th to February 28th from Monday to Friday 2 pm to 4 pm
WHERE: FOREIGN LANGUAGES CAMPUS - Via Salvecchio,19 - Ground floor - Bergamo Città Alta
WHEN: from February 17th to February 28th from 9 am to 2 pm
WHERE: ENGINEERING CAMPUS - Via Einstein ,2 - Building A - Dalmine (BG)
WHEN: from February 24th to February 28th from 9 am to 2 pm
Non-resident individuals need to obtain a tax code must get the ‘codice fiscale’ from AGENZIA DELLE ENTRATE once they are arrived in Italy
Students can also apply for the Italian codice fiscale at he the Italian consular authority in their country before departing.
-copy of your identity card (non ue students: passport and visa)
-the AA4-8 form duly filled in and signed
(in attachment you will also find the instruction and an example in order to fill it in)
Please be careful and indicate the complete name (or names) and surname, exactly as indicated in the Passport
In order to get the tax code, please send the filled and signed (handwritten signature is required) (PDF SCAN FORMAT) and the identity document in attachment to the following e.mail address:
In the reference of the e-mail please indicate: Erasmus Student_UNIBG_Name, Surname
RESIDENCE PERMIT: (compulsory for NON-EU citizens)
The International Office will support all students in the application procedure for the Residence Permit in Italy.
Upon arrival in Italy, NON EU STUDENTS, who has a study entry VIsa, have to apply for a RESIDENCE PERMIT (Permesso di Soggiorno) within 8 working days from their arrival.
The Residence Permit will have the same validity as the VISA.
Required documents:
At the Post Office the student must also pay: Please download the Application Poste Italiane, register, login and book an appointment
1- book soon an appointment with the Erasmus Office ([email protected] (subject of the email: Residence Permit): we will check all original documents and copies;
2- book an appointment with the IMMIGRATION OFFICE PATRONATO UIL [email protected] Via San Bernardino, 72/e : they will collect all copies of the required documents and fill in the Yellow kit.
3- book an appointment at the Post Office to submit the Yellow kit and pay fees.
4- send to [email protected] copy of the receipt you have received at the Post Office.
The Student Associations play an important role in bringing students together and making sure everyone gets involved in University life.
AEGEE-Bergamo - Association des Estas Généraux des Etudiants de l’Europe
AEGEE-Bergamo accoglie gli studenti internazionali sul territorio e organizza eventi in lingua inglese aperti agli studenti di UniBg. I membri dell’associazione offrono agli studenti stranieri un aiuto nell’orientamento iniziale in città e un programma di attività sia culturali sia di svago nel corso dell’anno accademico.
AEGEE-Bergamo è la sede locale di un network molto più vasto che conta oltre 160 sedi locali o antenne, in 40 paesi d’Europa.
AEGEE-Europe è un’associazione giovanile nata in Francia nel 1985, è laica, apartitica e senza scopo di lucro. I suoi obiettivi principali sono la promozione della mobilità e dello sviluppo giovanile attraverso scambi culturali, corsi di formazione, viaggi ed esperienze di sviluppo personale nel contesto dell’Europa geografica.
L’associazione si occupa attivamente di 4 macro-tematiche quali Social Equity, Mental Health, Climate Emergency e Political Activism organizzando eventi, tramite gruppi di lavoro in rete e corsi di formazione, online e dal vivo. Tra le soft skills che permette di potenziare troviamo l’organizzazione di eventi, l’uso di strumenti digitali moderni, il problem solving, la gestione delle risorse umane, e tanto altro.
Sede: CTE Villaggio Sposi, via Cesare Cantù, 2, 24127 Bergamo (BG)
Presidente: Luciano Urbani
Segretaria: Alice Manzoni
Tesoriere: Luca Patelli
Contatto per iscrizione o informazioni sui progetti: [email protected]
Link IG:
Link FB:
Link sito:
ESN Erasmus students Network
Erasmus Student Network Bergamo, is a student association part of the large network ESN, a student organization that promotes mobility programs and cultural integration in Europe, under the motto "students helping students".
We’ll welcome you with many and various activities to live your Erasmus experience here in Bergamo unforgettable.
Via A. Meucci 12, 24128 Bergamo (BG) Italy
[email protected]