Starting from March 4, 2020 we are progressively providing remote lessons - as required by the Prime Ministerial Decree of March 1, 2020; students can access to lessons through the e-learning platform MOODLE.
Lessons will be provided through the "Microsoft Teams" platform at the same time and date as indicates the didactic calendar. The lessons will be recorded, therefore will remain permanently available to students.
The list of courses delivered online and their start dates will be progressively made available on the "Sessioni Live" page on the Moodle home page, which will be constantly updated. You can log in to MOODLE using your usual user and password.
Read the following steps:
You can follow lessons through any device (smartphone, tablet, laptop, pc);
Please install the Microsoft Teams App, follow the instructions on the Microsoft website;
Registration or having a Microsoft account is not required to access the lessons;
To participate and attend the event, we recommend to watch this very short video.
This way is a big challenge to all of us, requires commitment, but is accessible to all of us. It’s a totally new experiment, thus we also ask you to be patient for any delay in the early days.
Are Remote Lessons only extraordinary measures?
Our effort aims to provide remote lessons regularly in the long term.
Lessons: live or registered?
Lessons are always live: some may be uploaded and available, according to each teacher's resolution.
Is it possible to interact with other during remote lessons?
Visit Microsoft Teams dedicated page to understand how it works.
Please visit the page on the Intranet Didattica a distanza.