The "Rita Levi Montalcini" programme is targeted to young Italian and foreign scholars who have obtained their PhDs no later than six years and have been employed abroad in research or teaching jobs for at least three years. Italian universities can offer them non-renewable temporary employment contracts of a three year duration.
With a budget of 5 million euro, the Call will fund 24 researcher contracts with the aim to attract young scholars and experts, both Italian and foreign, permanently employed abroad and engaged in teaching or research activities.
The Montalcini Programme targets young scholars of all nationalities in possession of a doctoral degree or equivalent and who have been carrying out teaching or post-doc research activities for at least three years abroad. To facilitate the recruitment and the implementation of the research project in universities, MIUR has asked the universities in advance if they would be available to take on the winners of the Montalcini Programme, who, in case of a positive assessment, may be employed as associate professors.
The winners can indicate the university where they intend to carry out their research project and where they will be hired for three years in the position of Type B Researcher. Applications shall be submitted electronically in the dedicated website, after the Call pubblication in the Official Gazette.
Information on the 2017 announcement is available on the page dedicated to the "Rita Levi Montalcini" programme of the MIUR website.