Fondazione Cariplo

Fondazione Cariplo supports and promotes projects in the fields of art, culture, environment, scientific research and welfare, aiming at economic development and innovation. Over the period 2015 and 2017, Fondazione Cariplo funded 4 project carried out at the University of Bergamo in the sectors as follows: welfare, social innovation and heritage conservation.


Calls for Scientific Research 2018

  • Promoting the attractiveness and competitiveness of researchers within the European Research Council opportunities
  • Biomedical research conducted by young researchers
  • Biomedical research on diseases related to aging
  • Social research on aging 
  • Circular economy: research for a sustainable future
  • Joint notice for the awarding of grants to support the transfer of knowledge in the field of Advanced Materials (in implementation of the Collaboration Agreement between the Cariplo Foundation and the Lombardy Region for the testing of initiatives to promote, develop, enhance the human capital of research with relapses directly on the Lombardy territory)


More detailed information regarding Fondazione Cariplo calls is available in the Foundation website.