Booking exams

To sign up for an exam you must use the Online Students’ helpdesk, also through the stations positioned in the various University premises.

Booking your exam is mandatory, and must be done no longer than five days before the given exam date (for all Departments). 


  • To check, during exam sessions, on the relevant page of your degree course which exams are scheduled and in which classrooms; 

  • If you decide not to take an exam for which you were enrolled, you must cancel your enrolment within the same deadline given for booking.

  • Bookings open approximately one month before the beginning of the various exam sessions (winter, special, summer and autumn). 

  • To take exams, you must book the relevant rounds, selecting the codes of the subjects in your study plan. Please pay particular attention in case there are different modules available.

  • Students who have not booked correctly will not be allowed to take the exam.

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