PhD School

The PhD School manages and coordinates the activity pertaining to the Doctoral Higher Education in relation to the current legislation, the Rulebook for Doctoral research and the strategic guidance of the Academic Senate and the Board of Directors.

PhD School Council

The PhD School Council is composed as follows untill September 2026:


Prof. Gianpietro Cossali

    Members appointed by the Academic Senate:

    • Prof. Zaira Cattaneo
    • Prof. Stefano Giulio Paraboschi
    • Prof. Maria Zanichelli

    Member appointed by the Academic Senate referent for inter-university doctoral courses with an external administrative seat: 

    Prof. Nicola Morato 

    Coordinators of doctoral courses with administrative offices at the University: 

    • Prof.ssa Alessandra Marini - Engineering and Applied Sciences - Sustainable Technologies for Industrial and Construction Engineering
    • Prof.ssa Alessandra Ghisalberti - Landscape Studies for Global and Local Challenges
    • Prof. Antonio Banfi - Legal Studies
    • Prof.ssa Caterina Rizzi - Health and Longevity
    • Prof. Francesco Cinnirella - Economics
    • Prof.ssa Mara Bergamaschi - Business and Law
    • Prof.ssa Marco Lazzari - Human Sciences and Welfare Innovation
    • Prof.ssa Maria Grazia Cammarota - Philological and linguistic studies on oral and written records - Linguistic Sciences 
    • Prof. Paolo Gaiardelli - Technology, Innovation and Management
    • Prof. Raul Calzoni - Transcultural Studies in Humanities 
    • Prof. Sergio Ortobelli Lozza - Management accounting and finance