What is a Contamination Lab?

Within the National Research Programme, the Ministry of Education, University and Research promoted and financed the establishment of Contamination Labs (CLabs). CLabs are places to boost the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship aimed at promoting interdisciplinarity, new learning models and the development of innovative business and social projects, in strong partnership with the territory.

University of Bergamo and HC.LAB

The University of Bergamo is one of the 16 Italian universities that won the MIUR call for bids, within which it proposes an educational pathway for training to the entrepreneurship culture focusing in particular on the healthcare sector and its prospects for innovation. That is how the Health Contamination Lab was founded (HC.LAB).

HC.LAB is aimed at fostering the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship promoting in particular interdisciplinarity also through the use of new learning models.
The issue of Health is tackled from the whole variety of perspectives that this field proposes in terms of future challenges such as, for example:

  • Wellness and lifestyles, including food, lifestyles and wellbeing
  • Quality of life, support in situations of fragility and new technologies for smart aging
  • Technologies for health, among which wearable sensors and mobile health – as part of trends like quantified selfprecision medicine and augmented humans - and diagnostics
  • Big data and artificial intelligence in support of therapy, patient care and management of personal care services and health organizations
  • Ergonomics and safety in the workplace