Bergamo, 10 August 2021
Dear all,
As you are undoubtedly already aware, the Council of Ministers of 5 August approved the Decree-Law no. 111 of 2021, which introduces Urgent Measures for the Safe Operation of Schools, Universities and Transport.
Article 9-ter of this measure provides that: "until 31 December 2021 [....] all school staff of the national education and university system, as well as university students, must possess and are required to display the COVID-19 green certification, as referred to in Article 9, paragraph 2".
The directive is therefore aimed at the entire university community: full and part-time lecturers, technical and administrative staff, research fellows, doctoral students, scholarship students, collaborators, students already enrolled and students who will be enrolled for the 2021-2022 academic year (including students taking university admission tests) in any university course (including master's degrees, postgraduate courses or other), as well as staff working on a permanent basis within the university under contract.
In order to be ready to work in maximum safety from next September, we have also activated, as the system of Lombardy Universities, an ongoing dialogue with the Lombardy Region to ensure the possibility of vaccination to all those who have not yet had the opportunity to do so.
With this in mind, from 16 August 2021, directly on the website of the Lombardy Region, priority agendas dedicated to the vaccination of university students, aged 17 to 30 years, will be made available. Access to the reservation will be guaranteed also to students coming from other regions and to international students not in possession of a Health Card.
All staff have direct access to the vaccination hub, with fast-track access, but booking is always recommended to ensure that suitable vaccines are available. The same rules as for staff apply to all categories of persons, other than students.
For our University, as you know, the reference hub is the CUS of Dalmine, in Via Verdi no. 56, but everyone is free to choose the most convenient location with respect to their personal needs: when booking, you can in fact select the location you prefer among those reported as available throughout the region.
As soon as they have been defined, we will send you the procedures for verifying possession of the COVID-19 green certification: all those who enter the university buildings for study or work purposes must in fact be in possession of the so-called Green Pass.
The University of Bergamo is closed at the moment, but we are continuing our efforts to prevent and protect health and safety, because we must be confident that we can start the new academic year in the safest possible way for our entire community.
We are counting on your sense of responsibility, as we have always done, and we are convinced that you will get vaccinated as soon (and as much as possible): only in this way will we have the hope of "keeping the contagion at bay" and, consequently, of continuing our activities in person all together, without fear of harming one another.
We wish you a peaceful August holiday and a good summer again. And we thank you.
The Rector The General Manager
Prof. Remo Morzenti Pellegrini Dr. Michela Pilot