State Exams to acquire professional licenses take place, normally, every year in two separate sessions and are called annually by decree of the Ministry for Education, University and Research, as published on Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana (Official Italian Government Journal), giving the beginning and end dates for all national territory.
To enroll in a Professional Register and carry out the profession for which you are entitled, it is first necessary to acquire the relevant professional license.
For details concerning exams and dates for each profession, please refer to "Navigate the section".
Here below you may find the relevant documentation.
Ordinanza Ministeriale n. 4 del 3 gennaio 2019
Convenzione quadro CNDCEC-MIUR
Accordo territoriale ODCEC-Unibg
Nota MIUR prot. 2992 del 27/09/2012 - Durata tirocinio
Dottore commercialista: indicazioni di carattere generale e modalità di iscrizione
Esperto contabile: indicazioni di carattere generale e modalità di iscrizione