Learning agreement and transcript of records

Generally, international host universities require the selected students to fill in an application form: it is an essential application form to be enrolled to a foreign institute. Very often they also request other documents, among which:

  • Copy of ID card or health insurance card;

  • Learning agreement, specifying the courses the applicant wants to follow;

  • Transcript of records, showing the exams taken.

Each university requires students specific documents to be submitted within different deadlines and with different procedures (online, by email, by ordinary mail...).

There are no standard procedures for the enrollment. We suggest that you follow the guidelines provided by the foreign university and possibly to read its webpage, so as to know the deadlines and documents required.

In case the documents to submit must be previously signed or stamped by the International Program Office you may bring it during the Office’s opening hours, at least 15 days before the deadline.

Please remember to regularly check your email account to see if the host university sent information about deadlines and application forms submission procedures.

If the host university requires you to submit the original application form by ordinary mail you must deliver the form with all the relevant attachments to the International Program Office at least 15 days before the deadline established by the foreign university. As an alternative, you may take care of the shipping independently, remembering to forward a copy to the Office.

Learning agreement

The Learning agreement is a mandatory document required by the Erasmus National Agency in which you must specify the courses you intend to follow during your Erasmus study abroad period, after having agreed them with your reference professor. 

You must complete the Learning Agreement – Before the mobility properly in .doc format and have it signed by your Department coordinator.

If you submit your application form independently or by email, please remember that you will have to upload to the platform the full scan copy with your signature, that of your Department coordinator and that of the foreign Department’s coordinator. If your host university requires so and does not provide a Learning Agreement form, you may also attach the form to the application form that you will send abroad.

The Learning Agreement must be sent to the host university:

  • together with the application form (if required) or in other specified dates if the host university published its educational offer and courses’ programs;
  • not later than 30 days before the departure if the host university did not publish its educational offer.

The document is not valid without the signature of the Erasmus Department Coordinator.

Learning agreement form - Before the mobility

Learning agreement form - During the mobility

Trascript of records

If a host university requires so, you must complete the Transcript of records in English to specify the exams passed in Bergamo and send it along with the application form. The document is not valid without the signature of the International Office Program manager and the stamp of the University.

If required, you may find the translation of the subjects in English on the English website of UniBg. Please remember that 1 CFU corresponds to 1 ECTS credit. The document must be sent in .doc format.

Transcript of records - How to fill

Transcript of records