Erasmus+ BIP | “ReUSO Bergamo 2024”

21 June 2024, 15:00 to 18:00
Online Microsoft Teams
prof. Alessio Cardaci [email protected]
prof.ssa Maria Sole Brioschi [email protected]
UniBg sponsor(s): 

CYFE - Center for Young and Family Enterprise
Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Scienze Applicate

The practice of reuse, considered as new or further use, either of the individual building or of the entire urban context, is a central topic in contemporary architectural culture. One of the most debated topics is the 'restoration of use' considered as an effective conservation tool.  For this reason, it has to start from an in-depth knowledge through architectural survey, historical-critical analysis, and diagnostic investigations, to arrive at operational proposals capable of maintaining the heritage's values, without erasing the traces of the past in its various historical-artistic, cultural and symbolic expressions. 

The first edition of the ReUSO event BIP will take place in Bergamo and it is organised by the Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences (DISA) of the University of Bergamo (Italy), in collaboration with the Institute of Architecture and Design of the Riga Technical University (Latvia), the School of Architecture of the Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain), the School of Architecture and Urbanisme of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (Germany), the Department of Spatial Planning of Blekinge Institute of Technology of Karlskrona (Sweden) and the Department of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Enna “Kore” (Italy)

The event aims to encourage scholarly discussion on issues concerning the conscious and sustainable re-use of the Built and Landscape Heritage. This reuse process must be based on a rigorous and accurate knowledge and documentation project necessary for the understanding and preservation of the historical memory of the place and the asset. The challenge is to 'open up to young people' by encouraging their participation and involving them in the discussion on the issues of a project on the existing knowledge-based heritage, both in the academic debate and in the professional field.

The “case study” for the BIP project will be linked to the Venetian Walls of the Fortress of Bergamo, specifically the Sant'Agostino area. The site is today an organic set of buildings and urban systems (the former convent, the church, the gate, the bulwarks, the gunboats, …). Over the centuries it has changed its appearance as a result of numerous urban transformations and the reuse of architecture, making it difficult to understand the original structure. The area is a symbol of Bergamo's identity. It is highly regarded for its historical, artistic, and cultural value. It is both a testament to social and urban development and an essential focal point of the city. The BIP project will be developed on this theme and the students will be involved in a real case related to enhancing the Unesco site. In our opinion, students can find an exciting challenge in thinking about the Sant'Agostino area in a new way. Their goal will be to transform a place  to welcome visitors and tell the story of the city through a new arrangement of the green areas and buildings. The students' ideas and solutions can be of great value, a point of view of this important place from a European perspective that differs from our own.

Visit the ReUSO website