Corporate Entrepreneurship and Family Business: Learning across disciplines

6 December 2018, 09:30 to 7 December 2018, 19:30
Aula 1, Sant'Agostino
prof. Tommaso Minola, [email protected]
UniBg sponsor(s): 

CYFE - Center for Young and Family Enterprise

Journal of Management Studies

The JMS special issue “Corporate Entrepreneurship and Family Business: Learning across disciplines” seeks to determine the relevance that research findings from studies of Corporate Entrepreneurship have for Family Business research and the relevance that findings from Family Business investigations have for Corporate Entrepreneurship. While the crossroad of the two fields of research is deemed as promising, it is the reciprocity of the two directions of scholarly contributions that represents the novelty of this special issue. Such area of inquiry has not been satisfactorily addressed in management literature, but it has the potential to stimulate the contributions from a broad scholarly community as well as the interest of a quite vast readership. It could also substantially advance the scholarly understanding of both family business and Corporate Entrepreneurship.

To help authors advance their manuscripts, the Special Issue Guest Editors organize a special issue workshop. Authors of R&R manuscripts are invited to present their papers and provide feedbacks to their colleagues’ papers during the workshop. Attending the workshop will not be a precondition for acceptance into the Special Issue.

Given the collaborative nature of the workshop and to prompt an enriching dialogue among academics, the workshop is free and open, but only accessible upon prior registration at


Please refer to the attached program.