Sant'Agostino great hall restoration


The overall restoration of the former church of the Augustinian monastic complex began in 2006. The interventions were aimed at the functional and technological redevelopment of the building, in order to make it a space for cultural events and the Great hall of the University of Bergamo, with a capacity of 600 people.

The restoration sites

The various restoration interventions regarded the sandstone façade conservation and the roof covering (May 2010 / June 2011), the securing of the plastered and frescoed surfaces (April 2007 / May 2008) and two archaeological excavations (July 2007 / October 2010), preliminary to the plant design and installation (2014-2015), which equipped the church with a radiant panel floor heating system and an air treatment system. 

As part of this last intervention, realized thanks to the agreement between the Municipality of Bergamo and the University of Bergamo, the church was finally completed with a specifically designed lighting system, an equipped stage, 504 leather seats, a retractable screen, cabins for simultaneous translation and a 20,000 ansilumen video projector. Though the sacristy and two aisles (North III and South I) have already been object of intervention, the restorations of most of the plastered and frescoed surfaces still remain to be completed.

The 2018 restoration site

On July 16, 2018, the «Restoration of the frescoes of the former church of Sant'Agostino, north side» works officially began. This restoration, funded with Art Bonus, is part of a wider restoration programme which includes the conservative restoration of the frescoes, of simple or decorated plasters, and of the brick and stone walls of the northern inner side. In particular, the planned restoration include the North aisles IV to VIII and the securing of part of North aisle I. This restoration is scheduled to end by 23 November 2018.

The general criteria that has guided the intervention is that of the typical conservative restoration, which is aimed to preserve the testyfing value of the architecture.