Quality Assurance refers to a series of procedures towards the planning, management and self- assessment of didactic and scientific activities carried out by the University for the improvement of higher education and research quality, respectful of the University’s responsibility towards students and society.
Quality Assurance is conducted in compliance with the AVA (self-assessment, periodical assessment and validation) system, which represents the core activity of the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR), according to legal dispositions L. 20/12/2010, n. 240 and D.leg. 27/01/2012, n. 19.
Courses and university premises are validated when implemented and then periodically, with a view to efficiency, results reaching, improvement of quality self-assessment processes and efficiency of didactic, research and Third mission activities.
Quality assurance has been a primary issue for UniBg since a.y. 2001-2002 thanks to the participation in project CampusONE, launched by CRUI, for the two Foreign Language and Literatures courses and for Business studies, in compliance with ENQA indications. The excellent results of this first experience have allowed to spread and consolidate awareness in the observation of quality assurance processes, enhancing weaknesses and true outstanding strengths in comparison with other Universities in the European area.