TRKI – TORFL levels

The TRKI-TORFL international certification of Russian is based on 6 standard levels corresponding to specific language-communication requirements to take the relevant exam.

The table shows the correspondence between the levels of Russian and the more well known ones of English according to ALTE, UCLES and CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for languages) standards.




English UCLES




Elementary level

Level 0

Breakthrough User





Russkij jazyk bazovyj uroven'

Basic level

Level 1
Waystage User

Key English Test




Russkij jazyk pervyj uroven'

Level 1

Level 2
Threshold User

Preliminary English Test




Russkij jazyk vtoroj uroven'

Level 2

Level 3
Independent User

First Certificate in English




Russkij jazyk tretij uroven'

Level 3

Level 4
Competent User

Certificate in Advanced English




Russkij jazyk četvërtyj uroven'

Level 4

Level 5
Good User

Certificate of Proficiency in English


Elementary: level 0 TEU

Level 0 (Breakthrough User) - TEU

Elementary - A1

Minimum language-communication skills are required in:

  • comprehension and use of essential expressions aimed at satisfying basic practical needs (in shops, at the post office, bank, restaurant, library, in class, on public transports, at the doctor’s, etc.);

  • ability to introduce oneself and others, to ask questions and answer on specific details about the place where one lives, works or studies; ability to provide information on relatives or friends and objects owned;

  • use of greeting and goodbyes expressions, courtesy expressions, wishes, thanks, justifications;

  • expression of time and of basic time complements;

  • simple interaction with an interlocutor, provided the latter speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to cooperate.

TEU exams are open to those who attended a Russian language course for at least one term at university, including a literacy course (or preparatory course).

You may download for free on your device the App TORFL GO (AppStore or GooglePlay) that reproduces in full the same format of the exams and allows to calculate the score in real-time.

As an alternative, you may download the attached detailed description in Russian of the 5 language-communication skills and the exams format.

Standard del Ministero dell'Istruzione e della Scienza della Federazione Russa - TEU

Training tests - TEU

Elementary: Level 1 - TBU

Level 1 (Waystage User) - TBU

Elementary - A2

A basic knowledge of the language is required to satisfy basic communication needs:

  • comprehension and use of frequently used expressions related to high-relevance situations (information about oneself, family, friends; school and work; health; going shopping; answering the phone; at the post office; on public transports; in administrative offices; the weather; leisure time; local geography, etc.);

  • ability to express intentions, wishes, requests, complaints, advice, refusal, proposals, invitations, agreement or disagreement, permit or prohibition, promises, disbelief, judgments and evaluations on facts or people.

TBU exams may be taken by those who attended a university Russian language course for at least one year.

You may download for free on your device the App TORFL GO (AppStore or GooglePlay) that reproduces in full the same format of the exams and allows to calculate the score in real-time.

As an alternative, you may download the attached detailed description in Russian of the 5 language-communication skills and the exams format.

Independent - Level 2 - TRKI1

Level 2 (Threshold User) - TRKI1

Independent - B1

An average language-communication knowledge is required allowing to satisfy by oneself communication needs in different socio-cultural contexts, whether learning or professional, practically appreciable on site:

  • ability to describe in a complex way experiences, events, feelings, dreams, hopes, ambitions, projects; to motivate one’s own choices; to express one’s own opinions;

  • comprehension of non-adapted informational and descriptive texts (newspapers, magazines, books);

  • ability to compose written texts of various kinds and styles, to fill in questionnaires;

  • averagely fluent interaction with an interlocutor and ability to react coherently with a given situation.

The TRKI1 certification is required to be admitted to Higher-education universities or institutes of the Russian Federation (abiturient).

To apply for TRKI1 exams we recommend at least a two/three-year study of Russian at academic level (Bachelor’s degree).

You may download for free on your device the App TORFL GO (AppStore o GooglePlay) that reproduces in full the same format of the exams and allows to calculate the score in real-time.

Independent: Level 3 - TRKI2

Level 3 (Independent User) - TRKI2

Independent - B2

A good language knowledge is required allowing to satisfy communication needs in various socio-cultural contexts and more specifically to carry out on-site activities in Russian related to one’s own specialization field according to the technical-sciences or humanities specialization path (except for professional activities such as philologist-linguist, translator, interpreter, editor, journalist, diplomat, manager, for which the TRKI2 certification is an intermediate step):

  • ability to comprehend and hold a conversation on complex topics, both concrete and abstract;

  • spontaneous and confident interaction with an interlocutor and ability to react coherently with a given situation; 

  • ability to write clear and detailed texts on various issues and to explain a point of view providing pros and cons according to different options;

  • comprehension of films, news reports, TV programs.

The TRKI2 certification is required to obtain the bakalavr (Bachelor, first degree level), the magistr (Master’s, second degree level) or kandidat nauk qualifications (Ph.D., third degree level) in faculties like Sciences or Humanities (except for the professional paths specified above) at the universities of the Russian Federation.

We recommend to apply for TRKI2 exams after at least a five-year study of Russian at academic level (Master’s degree) and a recent period of stay of at least 4 months in Russia.

You may download for free on your device the App TORFL GO (AppStore o GooglePlay) that reproduces in full the same format of the exams and allows to calculate the score in real-time.

Standard del Ministero dell'Istruzione e della Scienza della Federazione Russa – TRKI2

Training tests TRKI2

Proficient: Level 4 - TRKI3

Level 4 (Competent User) - TRKI3

Proficient - C1

A particularly advanced knowledge of Russian is required allowing to fluently satisfy various communication needs in almost all the socio-cultural contexts and to carry out one’s own specialist professional activity as philologist-linguist, journalist, editor, translator, interpreter, diplomat (international relations) or manager in a given work field using Russian as vehicular language:

  • ability to comprehend and write a broad range of particularly complex and long texts (social, political, economic, legal, religious, moral, ecological issues, etc.);

  • ability to express oneself with fluency and confidence, using the language in a flexible and effective way with full control of the text structure;

  • immediate comprehension of films and newspapers, puns, nuances of meaning, idiomatic expressions, etc.

The TRKI3 certification is required to obtain, at the universities of the Russian Federation, the bakalavr (Bachelor, first degree level), magistr (Master’s, second degree level) or kandidat nauk (Ph.D., third degree level) qualifications for the specialization paths listed above – except for the doktor nauk qualification in Languages-Philology faculties (Master of Art Degree in Philology), for which the TRKI3 certification is an intermediate step.

At least five years of study at academic level (Master’s degree) and substantial experience of study or work in Russia are required to apply for TRKI3 exams.

Proficient: Level 5 - TRKI4

Level 5 (Good User) - TRKI4

Proficient - C2

An almost excellent level of knowledge of Russian is required to apply for TRKI4 exams, similar to that of a native speaker.

The TRKI4 certification is required to obtain the doktor nauk qualification in Language-Philology faculties (Master of Art Degree in Philology) at the Russian universities and entitles to work as Russian language teacher or to carry out research activities on the Russian language at the universities of the Russian Federation.

Training tests - TRKI4