Apprenticeship for higher training

What is it?

It is an open ended work contract for the training and employment of practitioners leading to the attainment of a certification (Bachelor, Master, PhD) or participation in a research activity while under regular contract by an employer for the professional qualification acquired through the certification.    This contract is regulated by LD 81/2015, art. 41-47 and Italian Ministerial Decree 12 October 2015. In Lombardy the relevant regulations are contained in the Decree of the Regional government 23 December 2015 - n. X/4676 Protocol for training under apprenticeship contracts.  

Who can apply?

Yong people between 18 and 29 (and 364 days), on signature of the contract, regularly enrolled in university.

Who can offer employment?

Job offers can come from companies belonging to all manufacturing sectors which comply with the structural, technical and training capacity defined by art.3 of the interministerial regulation, and which undersign a memorandum of understanding with the University. 

Companies may manifest interest in employing apprentices by completing the present form 

What characterizes the contract?

The contents and duration of training under contract are determined by the individual training plan based on the stipulation of a memorandum of understanding between the company and university. 

The apprenticeship entails an hourly quota of external training at university and an hourly quota of internal on-the-job training to earn a certification. External training cannot account for more than 60% of the time dedicated to the programmed lectures comprising the course credits of each subject.    

Internal training is equal to the difference between the total amount of hours in the standard training course and external training.  

The duration of the contract goes from a minimum of 6 months to the maximum duration of the training course.  

On obtaining the certification, should the right to rescind not be exercised, the work arrangement will continue as an ordinary open ended employment contract.

What is the role of the tutor?

The young apprentice is followed by an academic Tutor appointed by the University (a professor of the Course of Study) and a business Tutor appointed by the employer.  

The academic Tutor, in agreement with the company Tutor, elaborates the Individual training plan, guarantees the monitoring of the apprentice’s progress and intervenes in the initial, intermediate and final assessment contained in the individual Dossier. 

The business Tutor manages the reception and integration of the apprentice in the company, plans and follows the training sessions, the socialization and inclusion on the job. 


What are the benefits for the scholar, from a level III apprenticeship?

The young apprentice can access the job market with a regular employment contract, develop the necessary professional skills for a specific profession or company profile, earn a higher education certificate, anticipate his/her entry in the job market.   

The apprentices will also enjoy the safeguards of the employed worker while maturing pension contributions.  

What are the benefits for companies?

Companies which hire third level apprentices may benefit from: tax relief, contribution relief and economic incentives. The company also has the following advantages: a) co-formulate the apprenticeship training course according to company needs and skills required, b) employ as staff medium-high profiles with specialized skills that can contribute to bring innovation within the company and increase work productivity.