Network UniBg

Platforms, Research Networks and Technological Clusters
Logo Effra

EFFRA - European Factories of the Future Research Association

European Factories of the Future Research Association (EFFRA) is a non-profit association which promotes the development of new and innovative production technologies. EFFRA's main objective is to promote research into production technologies within the European Research Area, involving the European Commission through partnerships. EFFRA comprises a network of more than 100 members, divided between universities, companies, research centres and associations. The University of Bergamo is an active member of this association.


Logo Bauhaus

New European Bauhaus

University of Bergamo is officially a partner of this international frontier initiative, a European platform for networking, conceiving critical mass projects, working in contact with institutions and, in general, positioning our University for greater international visibility and authority.

The New European Bauhaus is an initiative launched by the European Commission as the "soul of the European Green Deal" and the Paris Agreements. It is not a question of a program, an action, a policy but a real creative, transdisciplinary, ongoing movement, which is built together with the Community of stakeholders for a profound, collaborative and multidisciplinary transformation of society around the following values:

Sustainability - harmony with nature and the planet (climate goals, circularity, zero pollution and biodiversity)

Beautiful - quality of experience, inspired by art and culture, healthy and safe environments, beyond functionality

Together - inclusion, enhancement of diversity, accessibility, connecting disciplines, readings, genres and ages


Logo Afil

AFIL – Lombardy Intelligent Factory Association

AFIL, Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia, is the technological cluster for advanced manufacturing in the Lombardy Region. It is the innovation ecosystem that brings together in a stable and cohesive regional chain all companies (large, medium, small, start-up), research centers, universities and industrial associations.


Logo Fabbrica Intelligente

National Technological Cluster "Smart Factory"

The National Technological Cluster "Smart Factory" is a recognized association with the aim of implementing a strategy based on research and innovation for the competitiveness of Italian manufacturing. It is the only table at which all the stakeholders involved in the fate of Italian industry sit at the same time: companies, business associations, regions, universities and research bodies, institutions.


Logo Le2c

Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster: LE2C

Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster - LE2C represents the Lombardy production system for energy and the environment, composed of companies, business associations, universities, research centers, specialized bodies, public administration, finance and media to develop projects to support innovation with particular reference to the following technological areas:

  • Smart Energy Systems;
  • sustainable manufacturing;
  • Green building;
  • Water Energy Nexus;
  • Clean Air;
  • Transversal to this is the Circular Economy.


Logo Scc

SCC Cluster – Technologies Cluster for Smart Cities & Communities

The Technologies Cluster for Smart Cities & Communities-Lombardy was established in 2013 with the aim of bringing together companies, research centres, universities and other interested entities that have the skills and resources to promote innovative ecosystems, technologies and experimental applications, with the ultimate goal of supporting an effective urban development strategy.


Logo Scienze Vita

Lombardy cluster of life sciences

the Cluster is the engine of regional innovation in the Life Science sector: it represents a system capable of building and managing innovation, generating networks of knowledge and skills for specific purposes; it constitutes an aggregation element capable of catalyzing development processes.

prioritised objectives

  • To act as an instrument for directing and promoting research, innovation and technology transfer aimed at increasing the scientific, technological and welfare level, competitiveness and value creation in the economic and social field, improving the quality of life of citizens
  • Realize - through networking, integration and governance of the skills and resources of public and private structures - a system of territorial innovation with regional and national value, management of technologies and innovation, enhancement of research, business incubation, attraction of investments, dedicated finance
  • To act as a contact person for the Lombardy Region for the definition of regional policies in the sector and as a tool for their implementation
Logo Swetaly


Swetaly is a collaboration agreement established in 2019 between more than 30 Italian and Swedish universities, with the aim of creating collaboration networks at an academic and research level. The association aims to organize workshops and seminars on topics of interest to the participating universities with the aim of putting students, PhD students and researchers in touch, allowing them to expand their network, compare points of view and national strategies, and discuss trends and common research topics. Swetaly is aimed at master's degree students, PhD students, researchers and professors. In the near future, always new themes will be proposed within the consortium with the aim of creating new collaboration networks; at the moment, the collaboration stimulated by Swetaly focuses on three main themes: Aging, academic freedom, artificial intelligence (AI).

Contatti - Swetaly
Roberto Sala



Logo Aarc

The Alps-Adriatic Rectors’ Conference

The Rectors’ Conference of the Universities of the Alps-Adriatic Region (hereafter «AARC») is constituted to promote transnational dialogue and cross-border cooperation in the fields of university education and scientific research, as well as to support teachers’ and students’ exchange and collaboration in all academic fields. Currently AARC counts more than 40 universities from Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Serbia and Slovenia. AARC believes that harmonious coexistence and efficient collaboration constitute the characteristics and specificities of the cultural landscape of the Alps-Adriatic region and commits to strengthening cohesion of the European nations, as well as cooperation of Higher Education Institutions within and beyond the European Union.

Contatti AARC
Elena Bougleux


Logo UniItalia


Founded in 2010 jointly by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Ministry of University and Research, the Ministry of Interior, the Uni-Italia Association has the aim of promoting Italian Higher Education and the mobility of foreign students and researchers towards Italian universities as well as encouraging academic cooperation between Italy and other foreign countries. The Association is present in several countries including China, India, Indonesia, Iran and Vietnam. Since March 15, 2022, ICE-Agenzia and CRUI - Conference of Italian University Rectors have joined Uni-Italia, thus giving the Association a new lease of life, providing new and additional fields of expertise and knowledge that are fundamental for the promotion of Italian supply. Uni-Italia works closely with Italian diplomatic offices abroad where Centres of promotion and orientation to study in Italy are located in. All these Centres cooperate with the Italian Cultural Institutes and the Italian Consulates abroad especially in promoting Italian higher education programs, selecting and assisting students with their first enquiries made in their own countries. The Association also assists students when they arrive in Italy and for the length of their stay with the aim of facilitating their integration into the new social, academic and cultural environment.


Logo EUA

EUA – European University Association

EUA is the largest and most comprehensive organisation representing universities in Europe. 17 million students are enrolled at EUA member universities. These universities support the development of the continent’s cultures, societies and economies. EUA’s vision for Europe’s universities is a system of highly-diverse and autonomous academic institutions that engage in excellent research, provide a wide spectrum of qualifications and facilitate the mobility of staff and students. The European University Association (EUA) represents more than 850 universities and national rectors’ conferences in 49 European countries. EUA plays a crucial role in the Bologna Process and in influencing EU policies on higher education, research and innovation. Through continuous interaction with a range of other European and international organisations, EUA ensures that the independent voice of European universities is heard. EUA provides unrivalled opportunities for members to share best practices by participating in projects, events and other mutual-learning activities involving a wide range of universities. The Association also provides members with unique opportunities to shape European policies and initiatives affecting higher education and research.